“in an old house in paris that was covered with vines lived twelve little girls in two straight lines… The smallest one was Madeline.” It was in 1939 that the world first met Ludwig Bemelmans’ spirited Parisian heroine who, despite her petite stature, had an outsize appetite for adventure, be it running off with the circus or getting rushed to the hospital for an emergency appendectomy. With her Bretonne hat and cloak, she was also très chic—no surprise, considering the dashing reputation of her creator, whose illustrations graced New Yorker and Town & Country covers, the walls of the famed Carlyle hotel bar, and what was no doubt the world’s poshest children’s dining room aboard Aristotle Onassis’s yacht, the Christina.
In the spirit of Madeline’s expertly honed sense of personal style (not to mention a love for her bread, her butter, and when it came to her schoolmates, each other) we’ve assembled a selection of treasures worthy of the fanciful Francophile in your life.

Goldenrod Tie-neck Quilted Jacket by Bode
Madeline’s signature yellow cloak, but make it fashion.
$980, netaporter.com

Zephyr Lake Hat by Bagtazo
A Bretonne-style straw hat is an absolute must.
$396, bagtazocollection.com

A Little Sunshine, A Little Rain (mixed media on illustration board, 1961)
Deck the halls with Bemelmans’ original study for Madeline in London…
Price upon request, artnet.com

Coloring Box by Marin Montagut
…or express your own inner artist with this haute coloring kit.
$50, marinmontagut.com

Baguette Baker by Emile Henry
Bake a trio of baguettes—enough for a dozen little girls.
$140, emilehenryusa.com

English Ivy Plant (Hedera helix)
For getting a head start on your own vine-covered house.
From $43, livelyroot.com

Filet Bleu Butter Dish by Gien France
Gien’s filet bleu faience is as classic as Madeline herself.
$175, graciousstyle.com

butter spreader by sabre
Pair it with a Sabre butter spreader for the full tricolore effect.

Chic yet sturdy enough for a day of Parisian adventures.
$575, sandyliang.com

Boulangerie Chocolates by Maison Bouche
It counts as breakfast if it’s shaped like a croissant, non?

Tiger Ornament by John Derian
To the tiger in the zoo (or, in this case, on your Christmas tree), you can simply say, “pooh-pooh.”
$52, johnderian.com

Queenie Cashmere Cardigan by Shrimps x Reformation
A prim and proper sweater that Miss Clavel would surely approve of.
$375, reformation.com

Madeline Needlepoint Canvas by stitching with stacey
Fun fact: This famous saying actually originated in the Madeline television specials.
$68, stitchingwithstacey.com
Finishing, jbneedlepointfinisher.com

Chamomile tea by Harney & Sons
Perfect for warming up after an unfortunate tumble in the Seine.
$11, harney.com

Dog Treats Advent Calendar by bonne et filou
A delectable assortment of macarons and bonbons for your own Genevieve.
$70, frenchwink.com

Maria Nightgown by Scarlette Ateliers
Ideal for lounging around post-appendectomy.
$246, smallables.com

Madeline by Ludwig Bemelmans
…And that’s all there is—there isn’t any more.
Everything on our website was hand-picked by a FREDERIC editor. We may earn commission on items you purchase.