
20 Questions With Lars Bolander

The "no nonsense" designer digs deep.

May 20, 2022
Malu Edwards

In our new series 20 Questions with Malu, New York-based writer, illustrator and creative guru Malu Edwards is catching up with tastemakers from across the globe to find out what makes them tick. This month: Sweden-born, Connecticut–based interior designer and antiques dealer Lars Bolander.

1. Favorite TV series to stream? Outlander!

2. Favorite city to work in? London.

3. Favorite city to rest in? Stockholm.

4. Favorite color? Light blue-gray.

5. Favorite flower? Tuberose.

6. Favorite scent? Sandalwood and jasmine.

7. Favorite design époque? Gustavian 18th century.

8. Favorite poet, painter and composer? Joshua Reynolds, Lord Byron, Nino Rota.

9. Favorite gift you’ve received? My car, a Mini Cooper.

10. Your four dream dinner guests, living or dead? Virginia Wolf, Gunter Sachs, Queen Elizabeth II and Salvador Dali.

11. A book you’ve read more than once? The Smithsonian’s History: From the Dawn of Civilization to the Present Day.

12. Your biggest personal achievement? I married Nadine.

13. Your biggest professional achievement? A private small village in Greece.

14. You’re a new addition to the crayon box. What color would you be? Red…it’s the most powerful color.

15. What kind of tree would you be? A palm tree, very straight and tall, no nonsense.

16. If you could be any animal, which would you be and why? A dog, so I can be spoiled rotten, like our dog Partner.

17. Three words your closest friends would use to describe you? Enthusiastic, optimistic, romantic.

18. Three words your frenemies would use to describe you? Stubborn, way too confident…and a snob!

19. The best design advice you’ve been ever received? Just believe in yourself, have guts, and be straightforward.

20. Words to live by? Optimism, loyalty, love. Have a goal and never give up. And most importantly, be yourself.