Digging through the market’s myriad options for that perfect something—be it a big-ticket item or a small (but statement-making) detail—can be more than a bit overwhelming. That’s why we’ve done the hard work for you, scouring the globe for the best of the best: The Short List!
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For us, Astier de Villatte’s signature ceramics are the gold standard: pretty and practical, and perfectly imperfect. Their handcrafted simplicity makes you feel good. Calm, even. It’s why we have them in our showrooms.
We believe in the power of great design to elevate everyday moments—like tea breaks. It makes all the difference. So we scoured the globe for other highly skilled artisans who transform the humble mug into an original work of art.

Takashi Endo
Kanagawa, Japan
Handmade Ceramic Mug, $55, nickeykehoe.com

Philadelphia, PA
Coffee Mug 2196, $110, bddw.com

Jeremy Ayers Pottery
Waterbury, Vermont
Brown Diagonal Striped Mug, $40, jeremyayerspottery.com

Emma Lacey
London, England
Everyday Mug Yellow, $50, emmalacey.com

Christiane Perrochon
Tuscany, Italy
Blue Violet Mug, $160, christianeperrochon.com

Recreation Center
Brooklyn, NY
Positive Rocks Mug, $42, recreationcentershop.com
The Astier de Villate mugs shown at the top, from $120, are available at astierdevillatte.com.